Eat that frog with Pomodoro

Faiza Hanif
2 min readJan 1, 2021

The idea of delaying things sound tempting but is very harmful in the long run. So, a technique or a practice used to beat this procrastinator’s mindset and getting things done is “eating frog with pomodoro”. The pomodoro is a bad habit of delaying things until last minute and ending up performing poorly.

To dive deep into this, I practiced it with my routine and found its amazing effects on my productivity and saved a lot of time from wasting. I was studying and chose a topic I told myself that I would finish in 25 minutes. Here’s what happened

12:36–13:01. I started studying

Distraction: my cousin entered the room and started talking, then she affered me chips and started watching loud videos on phone.


13:05–13:30, started again. Then mom started talking loudly outside the room. At this point, I couldn’t finish the task and had no mind or energy left in me to understand the thing I was studying.

Then I went upstairs. Rooms are very cold there and hands were freezing but at least I got the topic done within 20 minutes. I reduced distractions and chose a place with peace to finish my work.

This experiment was a bit difficult for me because every time my focus broke, I became enraged and couldn’t refocus for next 10 minutes.

When I switched places, the task became easier for me because distractions were eliminated.

I would definitely experiment this again and I shall estimate time correctly, make sure that all distractions are removed and I am in a good mental state to do the thing.

